I've had an on again off again discussion with a good friend of mine about the validity of The Film "There Will Be Blood" being classified as a gangster film. So here is my explanation why the main character Daniel Plainview is as much a Gangster Chracter as Tony Montana or Frank Lucas (Film Version). Keep in mind that I am of the belief that many Gangster films are just ultra violent versions of the movie Greed.
Intelligence: This whole movie is a constant reminder that Big Business is just Crime with a neck tie. Daniel Plainview spends the whole movie killing, lying, and cheating his way into wealth. His emphasis on getting what he wants is what I feels separates the gangster movie character from the thug movie characters. Many movie thug characters are violent or destructive for no clear purpose. This lack of motivation usually makes a thug chracter perfect for a side kick, but that can be better explained in another post.
Anyhow, In the film almost every move Plainview makes is calculated to get him what he wants. The only act that he commits that is out of character was when he made the subtle threat to Mary Sunday's father after he finds out the man beats her. However that too can be viewed as him simply trying to appease his son H.W. and get more time to focus on work. Since the girl kept H.W. busy playing and out of Plainsviews way.
Ambition: There is an old saying in comics books that works just as well for describing gangsters in most movies, "Super Villians have ambition, Super Heroes have morals". Basically Gangsters only have ambition thats usually their greatest strength and their greatest weakness. Daniel Plainview is no different in that regard. He himself gives a self aware explanation for his own ambition
Plainview: I have a competition in me. I want no one else to succeed. I hate most people.
Plainview: I see the worst in people, Henry. I don't need to look past seeing them to get all I need. I've built up my hatreds over the years, little by little. Having you here gives me a second breath. I can't keep doing this on my own with these... people.
Keep in mind his misanthropy is what fuels his ambition as the film goes on you see his wealth increases as his attachment to humanity drifts further and further away. This is also a common theme in gangster films where success in crime elevates the protagonist to levels of power and prestige they never dreamed of while causing to lose there humanity. Plainview However is one of those rare movie gangster who never gave a fuck about reigning in his ambition with his humanity.
Execution: In the end he gets what he wants, is a free man and owes nobody nothing. You couldn't say that about famous movie gangsters such as Carlito, Tony Montana, Frank Lucas, or Black Ceasar.
Cold Heart: All Gangster Films have to have a protagonist who is cold hearted. Without a cold heart movie gangster would be no more dangerous than Danny Ocean from the Ocean 11 films. I mean, imagine the movie "Scarface" if Tony hadn't Shot his only friend Manolo because he married Tony's sister.
Now Lets Examine Daniel Plainview's Cold Heart. Twice in the movie he commits murder with his own hands. The first time is when he shoots an imposter of his brother in the head. The second time is when he kills his only real rival after having the man confess to him that he doesn't believe in God. However this is not even close to the most cold hearted thing Daniel Plainview does in the film. Near the end of the movie he disowns his adopted son H.W. and then tells him that he was nothing more than a prop to be used in business deals.
Conclusion: This is one cold movie that I think should be watched by all.
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