Well Life has definitely been Shitty lately. Due to a mix of bad genes and house training I've picked up the bad habit of working twice as hard for half the money. Or you could just say that I'm interning for two different companies because the idea of working only 2-3 days a week for one company for free seems lazy to me.
Now I bet you are saying to yourself "well, if you don't like working two jobs just quit one". Well I would but then I get bored of life and start thinking how lazy I am and repeat the cycle all over again by finding another internship/part time job.
A perfect example would be Last week. After a lot of internal debate I decided to celebrate this years St Patrick's day by quiting one of my internships and getting drunk instead. So I handed in (more like emailed) my resignation to my nightclub marketing internship and tried to find someone to get drunk with. Fast forward to the next day and a hang over and I realize that dammit I only have gainful employment for 2 out of the 7 days in the week. Or to really put all those D's I earned in high school math to good use. I'm only going to leave my house to do something productive about 8 days out of every 30.
I then have the same conversation in my head "That kind of work habit is not going to earn me enough money to support my beer habit" this thought always leads to "I better get a new job/internship dammit". So I start the harmful cycle again and begin to look for another internships that could take up my time/pay my bills. If I ever get married I swear I am going to sub in "I should go get a blow job before I make any important decisions" before I even think about my beer habit.
Anyhow I have an interview tomorrow for a start up Lad mag whose name I don't want to mention because well the name is sort of embarrassing to type. For the purposes of this blog lets call the magazine Candy. The good news is Candy will give me easy access to porn stars and models. The bad news is I will probably not be payed (Aaaarghhh). However if you really think about it I should be the one paying to meet porn stars and models.
Wish Me Luck!!
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